
Monday May 3rd

Today we learned about something new, it is called OSMOSIS. First of all, what is osmosis? (I didn't get it on the first time neither).

Osmosis is the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane; in high school words, "Osmosis is the action in which a cell let water pass through its wall (membrane)", we used the Girls and Boys example, but because of the dirty mind we have we understood very well and also laugh in the process.

Also, to understand better the teacher used the example of the fresh water fish and the salt water fish: If we put a cell of a salt water fish in a tank with fresh water a lot of water is going to enter to the cell and eventually is going to blow up (the cell, not the fish XD). The opposite thing occurs with a fresh water molecule and a salt water tank (the cell "dries up").

Another concept we saw was the Dyalisis: it is the movement of solute through a semipermeable membrane (the cell lets the particles of solute to go outside or inside so the concentration of both can be equal).

Homar Hurtado

Friday April 30th

Well, today we saw new things (i'm not saying that in the past classes we saw the same things, but you understand me), the subject was SOLUTIONS, SUSPENSION, COLLOIDS

We already know what is a solution (we saw it like 4 times), but what is a suspension (no, i'm not talking about cars XD) and acolloid?? and what do these concepts have in common???

Well, these are mixtures that use water as a solvent (aqueous mixtures), yes, as simple as that jejeje.


  • Solutions: These are homogeneous and have small particles (0.1 - 1 nm) Example: Ions, Atoms, Small molecules
  • Colloids: Are heterogeneous, they have "medium" size particles (1 nm - 1000 nm) Example: large molecules
  • Suspension: These are heterogeneous too, and have BIG particles (1000 nm and greater) Example: Aggregates

I don't know if someone else has this problems, but i didn't know what was a Nano Meter or a Micro Meter, but now i know:

Milimeter/100 = Micro Meter Micro Meter/100 = Nano Meter (a really really really REALLY small particle)

Also, we saw 3 more concepts:

  • Tyndall Effect: The scattering of visible light by colloidal particles and suspensions aggregates is called The Tyndall Effect. In my words it's "the more photons you have bouncing with particles, the less light you can see"
  • Brownian Motion: Is the chaotic movement of the particles
  • Emulsion: It's a special kind of mixture, it is a colloid, a liquid solvent and a liquid solute. "A colloidal dispersion of a liquid and a liquid".
Homar Hurtado