
Friday, august 28th

My Journal

At the beginning og the class the teacher told us that almost everyone sent the journal on Thursday and he said we must send it a day after the class.

The rest of the class was only theory, in other terms: write and write and write.

Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances in wich they retain their distinct identities.

A pure substance is a form of matter that has a definite composition and distinct properties.

An element is a substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substance by a chemical change.

A compound is a substance made of 2 elements chemically united by fixed proportions. The elements in a compound cannot be separated by physical means, because they´re held together by chemical bounds.

States of matter

Solid (s): Rigid, fixed volume, fixed shape.

A solid has a definite shape and it takes up a fixed shape.

Liquid (l): Definite volume, but no definite shape.

A liquid will change its shape to fit its container.

Gas (g): No fixed shape, no fixed volume.

A gas will change its shape to fit its container, but it will also expand to fill the volume.

Erin Alicia Gil


Monday, August 24th, 2009






video 1
Galileo made a research saying that as items fall their velocity raise, this discovers made the called enlightenment.
" Evolution involves events that cannot be reproduced"

Scientific method--------------------> Opinion is not a fact, every experiment must be backed up by evidence
  1. Problem
  2. Hypotheses
  3. Prediction
  4. The test
  5. Scientific Journal
  6. Peer review
  7. Publication
  8. Replication
  9. Theory
Elissa Marie Zamorano


Friday, august 21st

Today we started the class talking about our homeworks. The teacher said there were some works that had a few details to improve but, since it was the first he would let it pass and he gave us everybody the complete grade.

After that we started the class talking about the questions in our homework:

What is science?


Is it the same as technology?

At the end we all agreed that science is the study of the physical and natural world based on the scientific method to describe and explain unknown phenomena.

And technology uses tools, materials and techniques to make our life easier or more pleasant. It focuses on making things happen, not explaining or discovering how.

We also talked about what is chemistry.

And the teacher said: Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.

After that he asked: What´s chemistry?

I said: it is a branch of science.

Then he said: No, well..yes, but I mean what thing is chemistry?

Then somebody said: A desk

Somebody else said: The T.V.

And finally somebody said: Everything!

So that is chemistry: Everything, because everybody needs to know how to do something before doing it.

Then the teacher showed us the divisions of chemistry on the T.V., they are:

Inorganic Chemistry: Studies the chemical elements and their properties, except for carbon.

Organic Chemistry: Studies carbon and its compounds.

Analytical Chemistry: Tries to identify, isolate and quantify the components of substances.

Physical Chemistry: Studies the structure of matter and the energetic changes during transformations.

Biochemistry: Studies the vital process of living organisms.

When everybody finished copying the divisions, we got in teams and made an activity. We were supposed to be experts in different themes, for example I was expert in Biology and Biochemistry. Then we make a resume of the information the teacher gave us and changed teams. We needed to share the information we wrote.

Then the class finished and the homework was:

Make a concept map about what you learned in this ¨experts¨ activity.


You get home and find out your T.V. can´t turn on. Using the scientific method´s steps:

How do you solve this?

So that was our 2nd class and, I think I actually learned something!!

Ok, I´m going to run and write it before I forget it...

Erin Alicia Gil

On Friday we talked about what is science, and what is chemistry about. We read about scientific method, beginnings of chemistry, early chemist, and more. For example:

We learned that fire was the first chemical reaction of chemistry, that people were looking for the way of turning metal into gold and the philosopher stone was the way, and that’s how Alchemia formed.

We learned about the scientific method, that Alessandro Volta created the first chemical battery. Also about Antoine Lavoisier, that he was known as the father of modern chemistry and he discovered the law of conservation of mass.

Also that chemistry is defined as the science of the natural matter. After Rutherford & Bohr, chemistry was therefore redefined as the science of matter that deals with the composition, structure & properties of substance. And in 1953, James Watson & Francis Crick deduced the double helical structure of DNA.

Laura Rodriguez


Monday, August 17th, 2009

Today I was a little late in to class .The teacher told us that his name was Ariel Villaseñor and his e- mail was and that if we didn’t have a facebook account we need to have one because he was going to make a kind of discussion of some topics. So h can learn all of the names he told us to say our names and our favorite’s movies or what we like to do.
Also that the Schedule was:
Monday: 7:00-8:40 hrs.
Friday: 7:00-8:40 hrs.
And we always have to be on time to class.
Today when the teacher said that we take the iPods out I though that he was going to take them to the office because in my other school the teacher check your backpack to see if you don’t have nothing bad , but no just false alarm jajaja he just want we to put a song that represent us .
Also he told us how he evaluates:
50 percent exam
20 percent homework
5 percent facebook discussion
10 percent summary
5 percent glossary
5 percent participation

What is science?
Science is a knowledge that has to be with nature, society, man and his thoughts so that why I think that science is everything because everything have it since a pen to a roller coaster, .
Is the same technology and science and why?
Yes they are the same because what you do in Technology, you do in Science.
Paulina Ramosclamont